Doctor of Public Health

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Pillar: Health Employment

Program Status: Active


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The Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) at the University of Toronto is excited to introduce a scholarship program for the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program.

Our DrPH scholarship program is exclusively available to recent alumni and graduating students at our partner universities in the Africa Health Collaborative.

This program is designed to enhance and fortify public health and health systems capacity not only in Canada but also on a global scale. It comes at a pivotal time, given the increasing complexity of health-related challenges we face. Unlike our research-focused doctoral programs, the DrPH emphasizes the rapid application of research findings to inform policy and practice. As a result, the DrPH program offers hands-on training and applied research skills. Students will cultivate and refine essential leadership, management, and public health practice competencies.

The Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) program advances public health education, with a particular emphasis on evaluating and translating evidence in decision-making contexts for policy and practice. Our doctoral professional program is built upon the wealth of expertise found within the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, including areas such as Public Health Sciences and the Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation. Its primary focus is to address the ever-evolving challenges in public health.

Graduates of this program will acquire expertise in four core competency areas, as outlined by the Council on Education for Public Health:

  1. Data & Analysis;
  2. Leadership, Management, Governance;
  3. Policy & Programs;
  4. Education & Workforce Development.

The DrPH equips graduates to assume advanced roles, such as leadership and knowledge translation, in the fields of public health policy and practice.

Partners Involved

Get in contact

Theodore Witek

Director of DrPH

Vadim Levin

Program Coordinator

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