People Directory

Our team is the heartbeat of our collaborative efforts, comprising diverse experts from various fields. Each member brings unique skills and perspectives, uniting to drive innovation and impact in the health sector. Together, we are more than just a team; we are a community committed to transforming healthcare across Africa.

People Directory

Photo of Tsatsu  Agbettor

Program Coordinator - Ashesi Health & Care Initiative

Ashesi University

Photo of Jessica Boifio

Assistant Director - Ashesi Center for Entrepreneurship; Co-Lead, HENT Pillar

Ashesi University

Photo of Lisa Huehner

, M.A.

Marketing & Operations, University of Toronto Mississauga, IMIx Executive Programs

University of Toronto, Institute for Management & Innovation

Photo of Anuli Ndubuisi

, MBA, PhD Candidate

Regional Lead (Health Entrepreneurship), International Research Officer

University of Toronto, Office of the Vice-President International

Photo of Rhoda Akuol Philip (On leave)

, MPP, BCom

Regional Lead (Health Entrepreneurship), International Research Officer

University of Toronto, Office of the Vice-President International

Photo of Willie Ngumi


Deputy Digital Learning Director

Amref International University

Photo of Marci Rose

, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)

TAAAC Toronto Director University of Toronto

University of Toronto, Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration

Photo of Christine Arsenault

Managing Director

African Impact Challenge, University of Toronto Scarborough, The BRIDGE

Photo of Emmanuel Evo Ocran

Finance Manager, Africa Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

, MSc, MBA, PhD Candidate

Program Manager, Africa Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


Tsatsu  Agbettor

Program Coordinator - Ashesi Health & Care Initiative

Ashesi University

Tsatsu Agbettor is the Program Coordinator – Ashesi Health & Care Initiative


Jessica Boifio

Assistant Director - Ashesi Center for Entrepreneurship; Co-Lead, HENT Pillar

Ashesi University

Jessica Boifio is the Assistant Director – Ashesi Center for Entrepreneurship; Co-Lead, HENT Pillar at Ashesi University, Ghana.


Lisa Huehner, M.A.

Marketing & Operations, University of Toronto Mississauga, IMIx Executive Programs

University of Toronto

Lisa Huehner is responsible for Marketing & Operations at IMIx Executive Programs, a division of the Institute for Management & Innovation at the University of Toronto Mississauga.

In her current role Lisa manages all marketing activities as well as various professional development certificate programs. One of the programs Lisa is managing is the Certificate of Effective Healthcare Management, which is part of the Health Ecosystems Pillar. 

Before Lisa joined the University of Toronto, she worked for an international software company focusing on creating strategic partnerships and delivering global marketing initiatives. Lisa holds a Master’s degree from the University of Waterloo (Canada) as well as the University of Mannheim (Germany). Throughout her professional life, Lisa has always enjoyed working in a global setting and collaborating with partners from all over the world.


Anuli Ndubuisi, MBA, PhD Candidate

Regional Lead (Health Entrepreneurship), International Research Officer

University of Toronto

Anuli Ndubuisi is the Regional Lead, International Research Officer (Africa) at the Office of the Vice-President International, University of Toronto. She supports partnership engagement and research collaboration for the Health Entrepreneurship (HENT) Pillar of the Africa Health Collaborative. 

Anuli’s career has spanned research, program and project management, business analysis, business process improvements and leadership roles within African, Canadian, and US institutions across industry and academic departments. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, Anuli worked with Shell Global in Nigeria and the USA, where she garnered global perspectives working on global multidisciplinary projects.

Anuli holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, U.K. She is completing a PhD in Curriculum and Pedagogy at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), with a collaborative specialization in Engineering Education at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto.


Rhoda Akuol Philip (On leave), MPP, BCom

Regional Lead (Health Entrepreneurship), International Research Officer

University of Toronto

Rhoda Akuol currently serves as a Africa Regional Lead Research Officer, supporting partnership engagement, and research collaboration, as well as monitoring, evaluation, learning and adaptation. She is a central liaison for the Health Entrepreneurship (HENT) Pillar of the Africa Health Collaborative. HENT seeks to co-create and sustain entrepreneurial ecosystems, and launch scalable, impactful, and contextually relevant health start-ups that offer sustainable healthcare solutions. 

Rhoda Akuol has previously held various research, entrepreneurship, and business analyst roles within different work environments and cultures, including at start-up companies, non-profit organizations, and academic departments. She is passionate about community advocacy and sits on various advisory boards, including the Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing (PCVWH).

Rhoda Akuol received the African Scholars’ Social Innovation Award 2021, and the EYOB G. NAIZGHI Female Refugee Leadership Award 2019.


Willie Ngumi, MBA

Deputy Digital Learning Director

Amref International University

Willie has a strong technology and business development background spanning private sector and the development sector.

He has over 11 years of experience in ICT4D space implementing solutions in Digital health, health system strengthening, behavior change communication, Human Centered Design and Digital Identities targeting underserved communities. Willie previously worked with the GSM Association, a global association for mobile network operators, CDC Foundation / mHealth Kenya, providing technical support for the conceptualization, design and deployment of mHealth applications through Public Private Partnerships. Willie also previously worked at the Foreign Commercial Service at the U.S. Embassy Nairobi, and in the Internet Service Provision industry as a web developer.  Willie has an MBA in Strategic Management from the University of Nairobi and a BSc. in Computer Science from Africa Nazarene University, trained in Human Centered Design and a Certified Development Project Manager.


Marci Rose, MScOT, OT Reg. (Ont.)

TAAAC Toronto Director University of Toronto

University of Toronto

Marci Rose completed a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy at The Ohio State University and her master’s at the University of Toronto. She began her OT career at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in 1990 where she worked for 15 years.

In 2002, she became the OT in Chief, and then assumed a variety of different management positions at The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.  In 2005, Marci became the Administrative Director for the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Hospital, a role she held until 2012.  In 2012, she started the Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre where she worked as the Administrative Director until formally joining TAAAC.

Her professional passion is for global health work in Ethiopia.  She has been an active participant in TAAAC since 2010, first as the TAAAC-OT co-lead, then as the Program Manager and now as the Toronto Director for TAAAC. She has been to Ethiopia on many occasions including as a consultant in the Biaber Project, a 3-year Grand Challenge Canada grant. Marci is a Lecturer in the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy at the University of Toronto and is the Ethiopian Lead for the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation at UofT.


Christine Arsenault

Managing Director

African Impact Challenge

Christine Arsenault is the Managing Director for the University of Toronto Scarborough’s Management Department, which houses all of the University’s business co-op programs and The BRIDGE; the department’s commitment to Work-Integrate Learning and Entrepreneurship. 

She has been involved in co-operative education nationally and internationally for 20 years including leading Co-op and Work-Integrated Learning Canada as President in 2012/13, as a board member of the World Association for Co-operative Education and previously chairing the Canadian co-op research committee.  In 2018, she received the U of T Scarborough Principal’s Accomplished Leader Award.

While completing her M.A. she led award-winning research that compared English Language Learners and native English speakers and their success in job searching and recent published research on work-integrated learning’s influence on entrepreneurship. Under her leadership, U of T’s innovative Management and International Business Program was designed and implemented and the department has fulfilled its commitment that ever graduate should have a work-integrated learning experience.


Emmanuel Evo Ocran

Finance Manager, Africa Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Emmanuel Ebo Ocran is the Finance Manager of the Health Collaborative.

He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ghana and an alumnus of KNUST. He is currently a Senior Accountant and Head of the University Central Payroll. He has over 16 years of experience in programming of accounting information systems and internet of things (IOT), budgeting and financial management. Emmanuel has served as Head of University Budget. Emmanuel has been engaged (proposal writing, budgeting through to implementation) in all Mastercard Foundation programs at KNUST since 2013 (Scholars Program, Advancing health care in Africa and the E-learning initiatives) as the Finance Manager.


Eva Boakye-Yiadom, MSc, MBA, PhD Candidate

Program Manager, Africa Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Eva Boakye-Yiadom, Project Manager of the Mastercard Foundation Africa Health Collaborative, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

Eva has great expertise in administration, audit, accounting, and project management. Eva is a PhD candidate at the KNUST School of Business. She holds an MSc in Accounting and Finance from Christian Service University, Kumasi Ghana, Masters in Business Administration, from the Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom and Bachelor of Management Studies from KNUST.