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Photo of Jessica Kumah

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Toronto

Photo of Maarouf Borhan Hatab

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Toronto

Photo of Marian Bernice Kafui Adzoa Haligah

Master Scholar

Ashesi University, University of Toronto

Photo of Martin Bartels Awortwe

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Toronto

Photo of Joseph Owusu

, BA, MBA, PhD

Professor, School of Business; Co-Chair, Health Ecosystem Pillar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Photo of Arti Singh

, PhD

Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the KNUST School of Public Health

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Photo of Wisdom Mawuenyefia Amenyo

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Toronto

Photo of Wilberforce Owusu-Ansah

, PhD

Professor, School of Business

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Photo of Princess Ruhama Acheampong

, PhD

Liaison Officer, Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Photo of Kofi Akohene Mensah

, MSc, PhD

Proessor, Health policy, Management and Economics

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


Jessica Kumah

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

My name is Jessica Kumah from Ghana. The Mastercard Foundation Scholarship program at the University of Toronto, aligns perfectly with my newfound passion for environmental health. Thanks to this scholarship, I am in the process of realizing my purpose, and the MPH-Environmental Health program at the University of Toronto has exceeded my expectations. The comprehensive training that I am receiving has broadened my perspective and equipped me to address environmental health challenges. I am eager to give back to Africa and the world, using my knowledge and skills to tackle global environmental health issues.


Maarouf Borhan Hatab

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Receiving the scholarship has been a transformative experience for me.

What I value most about it is the access to invaluable information that has made adapting to life as an international student remarkably easy. The constant support I receive from the scholarship program is truly remarkable; it’s as if they anticipate my needs before I even realize them. Moreover, the connections I’ve been able to make through this opportunity have enriched my academic and personal journey. It’s a testament to the scholarship’s commitment to my success, and I am incredibly grateful for the doors it has opened in my life.


Marian Bernice Kafui Adzoa Haligah

Master Scholar

Ashesi University

I am Marian Bernice Kafui Adzoa Haligah from Ghana, honored to be a Mastercard Scholar at the University of Toronto, where I am specializing in Health Informatics. 

This scholarship has validated my academic dedication and fueled my passion for bridging healthcare and technology. What I’ve treasured most as a Mastercard Scholar is the global network of like-minded individuals, dedicated to making impactful changes. Every day, I’m reminded of our collective potential and am profoundly grateful for this transformative journey. With the foundation laid by the Mastercard Scholars program, I’m empowered to make lasting impacts in healthcare through informatics.


Martin Bartels Awortwe

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

It is a wider opportunity to be a Mastercard Scholar.

The foundation has made it possible to pursue higher learning and commit to a scholarly life. The enabling environment provided by the Mastercard Foundation has equipped me to face the various challenges that come along with graduate studies. As a Master of Public Health student (Environmental Public Health emphasis) at the University of Toronto, I am a step closer to achieving my academic and career goals of preventing diseases, improving the health of populations and communities, and ensuring sustainability of the environment.


Joseph Owusu, BA, MBA, PhD

Professor, School of Business; Co-Chair, Health Ecosystem Pillar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Joseph Owusu is the Pillar Lead for Health Ecosystem at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Mastercard Foundation Africa Health Collaborative and Academic Programme Coordinator for O. R. Tambo Africa Research Chair Initiative in Entrepreneurship and Employability.

He is a Lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at KNUST, Ghana. He also serves as the Co-Chair for the Health Ecosystem Pillar Advisory Committee and Chairman of the Technical Committee to develop MSc. Health Entrepreneurship Management for the Health Collaborative. His research has been published in the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Journal of Business and Management, Cogent Business and Management, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, and International Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences. Joseph received his Ph.D. from the University Malaysia Kelantan.


Arti Singh, PhD

Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the KNUST School of Public Health

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Dr. Arti Singh, a public health physician and faculty member at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana.

Her research areas of interest are non-communicable disease and tobacco control. She is also an advisory committee member on the Health Ecosystem Pillar of the Mastercard Foundation Health Collaborative program.


Wisdom Mawuenyefia Amenyo

Master Scholar

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

In my vision for Africa’s youth, positivity reigns, and ground-breaking ideas are the norm.

I see a future where avenues for talent, knowledge, and skills flourish, particularly in health, education, and energy. As a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, I’m on the path to becoming a frontline changemaker, contributing to these transformative avenues. The satisfaction lies in collaborating with interdisciplinary, impact-driven individuals united by the goal of uplifting Africa. The Scholar experience goes beyond academics, instilling professionalism, social responsibility, and robust networking. Embarking on my MEng in Biomedical Engineering, specializing in Regenerative Medicine, Cardiovascular Mechanics, and Clinical Engineering Instrumentation, feels like turning dreams into reality. The support and coaching from colleagues, faculty, and administration create a nurturing environment that ensures dreams become tangible achievements.


Wilberforce Owusu-Ansah, PhD

Professor, School of Business

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Professor Wilberforce Owusu Ansah is an accomplished researcher, lecturer, trainer and consultant in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Public Policy, Public Health, and Immigrant Entrepreneurship.

He has worked in private, public and not-for-profit organizations and academic institutions throughout the world including Norway, The Netherlands, Ireland and his native Ghana in many and varied capacities. He is a former Head of Department of the Marketing and Corporate Strategy Department and a former Vice Dean of the KNUST School of Business. Professor Wilberforce Owusu-Ansah is the Pillar Lead for Health Entrepreneurship, under the Africa Health Collaborative.


Princess Ruhama Acheampong, PhD

Liaison Officer, Health Collaborative

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Princess Ruhama Acheampong (PhD) is an international scholar and Lecturer at the School of Public Health of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana. Princess has a wealth of experience in community mobilization, project coordination and project implementation. 

As a researcher, Princess has worked extensively in the areas of mHealth, malaria, epidemiology, maternal and child health, public health, nutrition, health promotion and gender. Princess has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research.

Princess has coordinated several exchange programs and is highly interested in collaborative research. She serves as the Liaison Officer for the Health Collaborative, KNUST.


Kofi Akohene Mensah, MSc, PhD

Proessor, Health policy, Management and Economics

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Dr. Kofi Akohene Mensah is an expert in Health Policy and Health Services Management.

His years of experience as a Senior lecturer at the Department of Health Policy, Management and Economics at the School of Public Health has contributed immensely to the successful training of hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Kofi has served as a Head for this Department and is currently the Head for the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety. Prior to joining the University as a lecturer, he was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aniniwah Medical Centre, a 100-bed private hospital in Kumasi, Ghana

Dr. Akohene Mensah has exceptional coordination skills and has led the implementation of several impactful community-based interventions to improve health outcomes in underserved communities. He has collaborated with local and international organizations such Ghana AIDS Commission, USAIDS, DANIDA, UNICEF, CRS, Word Vision Ghana, etc. in HIV/AIDS, child survival, Nutrition, Health care Financing, Non-communicable diseases, etc. These research collaborations have culminated in national policies in maternal, neonatal, child health and health systems strengthening.

Kofi’s ambitious personality and wealth of experience in research and academia has largely been influenced by his education in different parts of the world in varying fields such as Nutrition, Public Health, Health Policy, Strategic Leadership, Health Technology, Health Systems Research and Strengthening.

Kofi is passionate about mentoring the next generation through capacity building. He is currently the Pillar Advisory Chair and the coordinator of the health employment pillar of the multi-million Mastercard Higher Education Health Collaborative, KNUST.