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Pillar: Health Employment
Program Status: Active
This marks a significant milestone as it represents the first psychiatry fellowship program in Ethiopia. This program addresses a critical need for specialized care in children and adolescents, considering that 41% of the country’s population is under the age of 15. The fellowship will commence with an observership, scheduled to start in April 2024.
Partners Involved
- Addis Ababa University, Department of Psychiatry
- University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry
- The Hospital for Sick Children

Addis Ababa University
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University of Toronto
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Associate Professor, Addis Ababa University Consultant Psychiatrist, Tikur Anbessa Hospital Associate professor, Addis Ababa University, Co-chair and Director, Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration-TAAAC National Lead, African Health Observatory Platform- Ethiopia National Centre

TAAAC Toronto Director University of Toronto
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